Our Mission
“The Kerry Jon Walker Fund provides financially challenged urban teens the opportunity to create global objectivity and travel abroad in charitable service.”
The Boston Glob
The work of The Kerry Fund has been to build bridges across the world. Our mission supports financially challenged teens with educational and financial opportunities to travel and serve both globally, and in the United States. Our service trips include working in a Rwandan orphanage for teens (The Agahozo- Shalom Youth Village, Rwanda) and in Navajo Nation, Tuba City, Arizona. Our alumni have had opportunities to share their experiences in televised discussions, to chaperone other service trips, and to assume positions of leadership on the Kerry Fund Board. Most have pursued a higher education, and all returned with a greater understanding of themselves and the world around them. With the support of our many generous donors, we will continue to work tirelessly to educate and enhance the potential of our young people to grow into strong, contributing citizens in their communities and the world around them.
Additional Kerry Fund initiatives included shipping 3,000 pounds of books and educational materials to elementary schools in Guinea, West Africa, and sponsoring three Rwandan students to pursue a higher education at the African Leadership University, Kigali, Rwanda.
Our Vision
The Kerry Jon Walker Fund, recently named a Cummings Foundation $100K for 100 award recipient, has shipped thousands of pounds of books, educational supplies and clothing, for children in the country of Guinea.
The fund currently sponsors financially under-privileged, Boston students in traveling abroad, enabling them to give back to orphaned teens at the Agahozo-Shalom Youth Village in Rwanda. The trips are both educational and enlightening for students, promoting intercultural sensitivity and providing them with a sense of satisfaction from being able to help others. By exposing young people to these opportunities, The Kerry Fund is helping to nurture the next generation of global citizens.
Mikey Walker, a tireless educator, has dedicated years to teaching children in both urban and suburban schools and has served as Head of Old Colony Montessori School in Hingham.
Traveling to Guinea, West Africa unearthed a deeper understanding of the world we share and transformed her personal journey into a mission,her call to action. In 2010 she founded the KerryJon Walker Fund in memory of her late son. The Kerry Fund focus is to provide inner city youth with life changing opportunities of global service in Africa. She has returned to Africa many times and with her students serves in a Rwandan orphanage, home to 500 homeless and victimized teens, which has been transformative to the visiting students in creating awareness and inspiring them onto service and leadership.
A graduate of Wheelock College, Mikey honors her greatest joy, being a mom to son, Kerry, whom this charity honors by keeping the spirit of his goodness alive. It is in the giving to the lives of others, and helping young people achieve their dreams that she keeps that love growing.
Mikey Walker,
Executive Director, Mentor